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What essential skills should you include in your CV?
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Written by City Job Offers

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Include these 10 skills in your CV to impress recruiters

There’s no shortage of advice out there on what makes a great CV. But what skills should you include in your resume?

Find out what the most desirable skills are for employers and how they can help you be the ideal candidate.

Analytical skills

These types of skills include the ability to break down a problem, identify the relevant information, determine the underlying causes and identify possible solutions.

You need to be able to evaluate each solution for its advantages and drawbacks. The final step is deciding which solution to use.

If you’re applying for a job that requires you to find patterns in data and make predictions based on those patterns (such as an analyst), then your work history should show how well you can do this.


Creativity is one of the most important skills you can include on a killer CV. It’s a skill that can be applied to almost any industry, and it shows your potential employer that you have an eye for innovation and original thinking.

Being creative means that you can generate new ideas or concepts, especially those requiring imagination and innovation.

However, this doesn’t mean that you have to come up with ideas completely from scratch. Creativity also means “inventive problem-solving”. Meaning that you use ideas that may already exist but also finding actual ways to use them as solutions.

Communication skills

Communication skills are essential to have on your CV. It’s important that you can communicate well with people, whether they be colleagues or clients.

Someone with good communication skills can express themselves clearly and effectively. If you feel like your skill needs work, that’s not a problem.

Training, practice and reading books on the subject can help you improve your communication skills. This will allow you to be able to express your ideas in a way that’s clear, which is especially important in a job interview.

Time management

The ability to manage your time effectively is an essential skill for job candidates. A good candidate should be able to prioritize tasks, plan their day and set goals.

If you’re trying to do a lot of things at once, it’s easy for important tasks to get buried under the more urgent ones. To avoid this, a candidate has to be able to prioritize their activities and focus on completing them in order of importance.


Being able to work with others is key for any job. It’s not just about doing your job and going home, it’s about being a teamplayer to get things done.

If you are a self-starter and able to work independently, then it will probably come naturally for you. But if not, being able to learn how to work in a team is something worth practicing.


This skill isn’t just wanting to do something. It’s actually taking action and seeing good results. It’s also not just about what you did, but how well you did it. Being able to explain this in a job interview can help you stand out from the crowd and impress recruiters.

    • Solving problems: Did you take the initiative to solve a problem or find a solution? How did this help your team or company?
    • Improving processes: Did you improve your own task management?
    • Improving products: Did you create innovative solutions for improving a product or service?


Multitasking, as a skill, can be learned. It’s important to be able to multitask at work because doing so will help you get more things done in less time and increase your productivity.

At your next job, you will most likely be handling numerous tasks at a time, being able to stay focused and complete them all efficiently is something employers look for in an ideal candidate.


Leadership skills are very much in demand in today’s job market. As a leader, you’d be able to motivate and inspire others and create a positive work environment that encourages employees to do their best.

Skills like this are important for many jobs, so it’s essential that your CV includes them if you want to get an interview.

Leadership is also an important part of career development: many organizations offer leadership training programs where they help employees develop these abilities further.

Problem-solving skills

These skills are a must-have for any role. These are the abilities to find solutions to problems, no matter how large or small, and then effectively communicate that solution.

For example: You’re assigned to create a new strategy for your company. You do some research and come up with the idea. When you present this plan, your boss says it won’t work because of a certain reason. You need to think on your feet and come up with an alternative idea that will be just as effective but will also take advantage of what is currently available.

Having this ability will make your profile much more attractive to potential employers.

Attention to detail

While it’s true that your work ethic and ability to solve problems are important skills to have, being detail-oriented is something that many companies look for in candidates.

These types of employees are less likely to make mistakes and more likely to notice when something is wrong. They also tend to analyze situations before acting on them properly (i.e., they think things through properly).

The same goes for an interview—hiring managers will want someone who pays close attention during conversations and will be able to do their job well without making any major errors along the way.

The most important thing is to be yourself and not try to hide any of your skills or experience. Remember that employers are looking for people who have skills that are relevant to their business and the job role, so don’t be afraid to show off everything from languages (if you speak more than one) to computer literacy (programming languages) all the way to leadership skills.

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