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How to Make a Killer Resume
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Written by City Job Offers

Branded Content Creator

How to attract the attention of recruiters and make sure you get an interview for your desired job

Have you applied for jobs and did not hear back from them? How many times have you sent your resume to a company and received no response? What are the most critical aspects of your resume that recruiters look at?

When you are unemployed your job is looking for a job. That is why you must devote time, research and effort to making your resume stand out to recruiters among other candidates.

When writing your resume, you should pay attention to how the recruiter will perceive it; this is key to make you stand out from the rest of the candidates. Within the first 6 seconds, recruiters look at your name, title, current position, previous position and education to make their ‘fit or not fit’ decision.

Recruiters take around 6 seconds to look at your resume, so it must be concise, strategically structured and visually apparent. They will find the keywords they are looking for in your resume faster than in other candidates and you will be ahead of them. The first impression counts.

Here, we are going to give you secret tips that will help you get the interview in the company you aspire to work for:

1. Your resume is not for you:

It’s for the recruiter; do not create, compose or organize your resume to suit your personal preferences, but instead, meet the recruiter’s needs.

2. The most important first:

First name, current position, company and email or phone number should be crystal clear and placed towards the beginning. Otherwise your resume will go to the recycle bin.

3. Adjust your career to the offer and company:

Many people think that they should put all they have done in their life in their resume and it is a big mistake. Adjust your career, life experience and skills to the current job and company you are applying for.

4. Always write what is more relevant first:

Mention your job, role, and company first, where and when is less important, so it should go afterwards. When you talk about your job experience, focus on the role and tasks you fulfilled in each position.

5. Highlight your skills:

Add the technical skills first and then soft skills (if you have space). Avoid words that will make the recruiter avoid contacting you: volunteering and internship are some words you should avoid. You did your job, so mention it as if it were any other job experience.

6. Mention the right keywords:

Depending on the industry, the recruiter will be looking for specific keywords; research and include the relevant ones on your resume. To capture the recruiter’s attention, you should focus on making these essential points easy to locate, visually apparent and appealing.

These are the key elements that you should emphasize in your resume. Your main goal is to write a killer resume that will set you apart from hundreds of other applicants. Remember that your CV is supposed to get you an interview, so make it appealing and attractive!

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